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Variations of the bilateral testicular veins: Embryological and clinical considerations
Chun-Ying Yang,Hao-Gang Xue,Kumiko Tanuma,Hitoshi Ozawa
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Research paper (scientific journal)
Variations of the bilateral testicular veins were observed during routine dissection of the posterior abdominal wall in a 77-year-old male Japanese cadaver. The right testicular vein consisted of the lateral and medial testicular veins. The right lateral testicular vein drained into the right renal vein. The right medial testicular vein accompanied the right testicular artery to ascend obliquely and drained into the left aspect of the inferior vena cava. The left testicular vein was composed of the lateral, middle and medial testicular veins. Three left testicular veins accompanied the left testicular artery to course cranially and then finally drained into the left renal vein. © Springer-Verlag 2007.