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Fiber connections of the corpus glomerulosum pars rotunda, with special reference to efferent projection pattern to the inferior lobe in a percomorph teleost, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Chun-Ying Yang,Hao-Gang Xue,Masami Yoshimoto,Hironobu Ito,Naoyuki Yamamoto,Hitoshi Ozawa
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Research paper (scientific journal)
Fiber connections of the corpus glomerulosum pars rotunda (GR) in a teleost, tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, were studied by biotinylated dextran amine injections into the GR and inferior lobe. After tracer injections into the GR, major groups of labeled somata were found bilaterally in the cortical nucleus and ipsilaterally in the nucleus intermedius. Numerous labeled terminals were found ipsilaterally in the central nucleus, nucleus of lateral recess, and diffuse nucleus (NDLI) of the inferior lobe. Some other connections were also elucidated in the present study, although these were less abundant. Notably, efferent projections to the inferior lobe were not evenly distributed within each lobar nucleus. Labeled terminals were confined to the cell body zone of central nucleus and the outer cell-sparse layer of the nucleus of lateral recess. The rostrolateral portion of NDLI and ventrolateral portion of middle to caudal NDLI received few GR fibers, the rostromedial portion of NDLI a moderate density of fibers, and the rest of the nucleus numerous fibers. These different portions of the NDLI, to some extent, also differed in other afferent and efferent connections, suggesting regional specialization of the nucleus. Furthermore, restricted injections to the lobar nuclei suggest different efferent projections of the component cells of the GR: large and small cells. The large cells project only to the central nucleus, whereas the small cells project to the NDLI and nucleus of lateral recess. Therefore, the two types of GR cells appear to constitute parallel pathways from the pretectum to the inferior lobe. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.