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Text mining analysis of public comments regarding high-level radioactive waste disposal
A Kugo, H Yoshikawa, H Shimoda, Y Wakabayashi.
Research paper (scientific journal)
In order to narrow the risk perception gap as seen in social investigations between the general public and people who are involved in nuclear industry, public comments on high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal have been conducted to find the significant talking points with the general public for constructing an effective risk communication model of social risk information regarding HLW disposal. Text mining was introduced to examine public comments to identify the core public interest underlying the comments. The utilized text mining method is to cluster specific groups of words with negative meanings and then to analyze public understanding by employing text structural analysis to extract words from subjective expressions. Using these procedures, it was found that the public does not trust the nuclear fuel cycle promotion policy and shows signs of anxiety about the Iona-lasting technological reliability of waste storage. To develop effective social risk communication of HLW issues. these findings are expected to help experts in the nuclear industry to communicate with the general public more effectively to obtain their trust.