This book details an action research project designed to explore how a group of learners could contribute to the development of their own autonomy. It was a collaborative student-led effort held over a five week period. Data collected included a pre- and post- project questionnaire, observation notes, video recordings, individual written reflections collected post-project, and audio recordings of group discussions held post-project. The primary data analysis involved inductive qualitative coding, while the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired-samples t-tests. During the project the students, choosing to work together as a class, negotiated and executed a plan of action. The narrative that emerged highlighted the importance of group dynamics to the process of collaborative autonomy development, including the emergence of a leader figure, the formation of whole-group and sub-group identities, and peer modelling and scaffolding of autonomous behaviour. There were indications that the project had positive effects in terms of promoting metacognition and learner motivation. |