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Comparison of the effect of respiratory muscle strength on dynamic and static balance assessment between sarcopenia and non-sarcopenia groups.
Yutaro Hyodo, Takumi Jiroumaru, Kenji Mori, Tomoka Hattori, Yasumasa Oka, Minoru Kuroda, Junko Ochi, Nobuko Shichiri, Takamitsu Fujikawa
Journal of physical therapy science
Research paper (scientific journal)
[Purpose] We compared differences in the association between respiratory muscle strength and static and dynamic balance in sarcopenia and non-sarcopenia groups, for fall risk assessment. [Participants and Methods] The study included 37 participants aged ≥65 years, who were certified to receive long-term care. Inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength, hand grip strength, Timed Up and Go Test scores, and one-leg standing task scores were recorded. Pearson's correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. [Results] Only the expiratory muscle and hand grip strength were correlated in the sarcopenia group. Expiratory and inspiratory muscle strength was correlated with both one-leg standing task scores and hand grip strength, and inspiratory muscle strength was correlated with the Timed Up and Go Test scores in the non-sarcopenia group. Multiple regression analysis revealed that expiratory muscle strength was an explanatory variable for the one-leg standing task and inspiratory muscle strength for the Timed Up and Go Test in the non-sarcopenia group. [Conclusion] Combined evaluation of expiratory muscle strength and the Timed Up and Go Test scores may be useful to assess the fall risk.