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Regeneration of a Completely Transected Sciatic Nerve with Use of a Bioabsorbable Nerve Conduit Filled with Collagen with a 14-Year Follow-up :A Case Report
Yuji Inada,Keishichirou Moroi, Shigeru Morimoto, Takamitsu Fujikawa,Hiroshige Tateuchi,Tatsuo Nakamura
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Research paper (scientific journal)
A 65-year-old man with a completely transected left sciatic nerve at the buttock received an implant with a bioabsorbable nerve conduit over a 20-mm gap. The conduit was filled with collagen to facilitate nerve regeneration. At 4 years after implantation, reinnervation potentials were detected in the muscles, and there was sensory recovery in the reinnervated areas. Thereafter, motor and sensory function recovered gradually over a 14-year period.